As a licensed mental health provider who has worked in hospice, palliative care, and oncology, I've seen first-hand the challenges and heart-breaking impacts of breast cancer. As October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it seems like a fitting time to discuss coping with the physical, mental, and emotional effects of breast cancer.
“Every 14 seconds, somewhere in the world, a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. In 2024, an estimated 310,720 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the U.S., making it the most common cancer impacting American women. Every two minutes, a woman in the U.S. is diagnosed with the disease.” - Breast Cancer Research Foundation
The Breast Cancer Journey
The journey of breast cancer affects patients physically, mentally, and emotionally. For many, the diagnosis may come as a shock and patients will experience a wide variety of emotions, including fear, worry, denial, anger, sadness, and anxiety.
Following the initial diagnosis phase, patients will be presented with a variety of treatment options or, for some, no treatment options. For those going through treatment, it could include chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, potential reconstruction, and long-term hormonal therapy. Each treatment option comes with physical, mental, and emotional challenges, along with years of fearing recurrence or experiencing the side effects of treatment.
It's important to understand these emotions as patients and loved ones and the role mental health therapy can play in processing these feelings.
Supporting the Emotions of Patients and Loved Ones
The breast cancer journey is different for everyone. It's common for patients to state, “I don’t know who I am anymore” or “I don’t remember who I was before cancer.” Yet, others will recognize the impact of the journey in a different way and say, “I am stronger than I ever was.”
As a cancer patient, survivor, or loved one, it's important to be supportive of the emotions we all feel when being touched by this life-changing disease.
Navigating the Mental Health Challenges
First, it's important to get in touch with your feelings and not to avoid them. If you need help navigating your feelings, reach out for an appointment with a mental health therapy practice like Pink Couch Wellness or talk to your support system of friends, family, or coworkers.
Here are some other tips:
Let others do things for you, including making or buying you meals, cleaning your house, providing transportation, etc. Staying active and eating healthy meals is important while navigating physical or mental health challenges.
Continue participating in things you enjoy, watching a funny movie, taking walks outside, listening to music, or journaling to keep your mind active.
When approaching a situation as daunting as battling cancer, focus on achieving one thing at a time versus staring at the whole mountain ahead that you must conquer.
Connect with other cancer warriors or support groups through the American Cancer Society or Above and Beyond Cancer. It can really help to talk with people who have been where you are.
If you begin to face stress over the financial impact of treatment, reach out for financial assistance or resources. Financial toxicity is a real thing many people deal with during cancer treatments.
Most of all, give yourself time to process. Practice mindfulness, learn relaxation techniques, and give yourself grace and patience along your healing journey.
If you are seeking a supportive, non-judgmental environment to help you or your loved ones navigate a breast cancer journey, please contact us at Pink Couch Wellness. You shouldn't have to navigate this journey alone.